Level Building Sidekick (LBS), lets software developers define restrictions and graphic elements to be used in building a proposed level. The game designer can then improve the experience of players, and artists can modify and add art to make it more appealing. This process allows the developers to deliver a higherquality user experience, without losing the ability to personally design the details of it. This tool also lets artists upload art to the platformhosting the tool and make custom art sets for different genres, sectionsor styles. A simple example would be a desert-based level with a small oasis in the middle, that would require two sets of art assets, a jungleart set and a dessert art set, which can then be configured by the gamedesigner asking for a proposed level design.

Level Building Sidekick will execute seamlessly integrated in the Unity Game Engine. This integration implies adding special menu options and custom windows to avoid using external tools. In terms of architecture, Level Building Sidekick will be data-oriented with instant results and updatable configurations without recompiling the game.Level Building Sidekick will execute seamlessly integratedupdatable configurations without recompiling the game.

LBS splits the level design process into three stages: 1. Space, the environment in which the game takes place, such as maps, terrain and dungeons; 2. Systems and Population, the furnishing of the levels, including enemies, items, biomes or traffic; 3. Scenario, the quests, missions, goals and narrative that gives the level some meaning.